Discover How to Find a User 56K V.92 USB Mini Ext Rohs
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I have left some auction prices below for User 56K V.92 USB Mini Ext Rohs and other items you may be interested in.
Click Picture Below to see great prices for User 56K V.92 USB Mini Ext Rohs on Ebay:
Product Details:
User 56K V.92 USB Mini Ext Rohs:
The USRobotics 56K USB Mini Faxmodem infuses quality and reliability with USB convenience and the enhanced performance of V.92 technology. Quick Connect reduces your connection time to get you online quicker, and V.PCM Upstream provides 50% greater upload speeds - perfect for sending e-mail messages with large attachments. Internet Call Notification lets you screen incoming voice calls while online, so you won't miss the important ones, and Modem on Hold allows you to answer them without losing your Internet connection - no second phone line is needed!
Here are some current Ebay auctions just like I got my deal on:Check out similar products on as well: